X-Ray, Medical Imaging, Radiography, MRI, Sonography, Radiation Science

Radiography, MRI, Radiation Science, Medical Imaging, Nuclear medicine, Sonography courses at undergrad bachelor, postgrad diploma master, Ph.D doctorate research degree levels in Australian universities are listed below. Useful information provided below if you are interested in  Radiographer or X Ray technical officer related jobs. Keep in mind that in recent times, the applications for Radiography courses had risen resulting in higher entrance requirements (ATAR). Also job vacancies for grads are not as plentiful as it used to be. More non-XRay courses here.

  • Besides ATAR,  what are the prerequisite subjects at HSC Year 12  ?
  • Where can I study to be a Radiographer or Sonographer ?
  • Which uni offers Medical Imaging, Radiography, Sonography or MRI  courses ?
  • What does a  Radiographer, Sonographer or MRI technician do?
  • Basically, a radiographer is a technical officer who takes X-Ray pictures for medical investigation. Skill is necessary to determine optimum angle, appropriate  radiation dosage as per specifications of the doctor ordering the X Ray.
  • The list below focuses primarily on Radiography imaging. Universities that offer Radiography courses often also offer advance imaging courses such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging or Sonography.
  • Note that Radiology is not the same as Radiography.
  • Radiation Therapist technicians assist doctors in administering ionizing radiation to destroy cancers cells in radiotherapy.
  • Similarly, Sonographers take sonar pictures of body’s interior using non ionizing Ultrasonic waves. MRI uses powerful magnetic fields ( non ionizing) and is suited for images of soft tissues (not bones).
  • Nuclear medicine professionals handles dangerous radioactive materials  for diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
  • Bachelor university degrees in Radiography or Radiation science will offer grads employment opportunities in Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy ( radiation oncology)  and diagnostics  as a Radiographer or Radiation Therapist. (If you wish to pursue a career in Nuclear Medicine, please be aware there are very limited job openings in this specialised field within the Australian economy under current conditions. Job prospects are probably much better for Radiography and Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy. Please seek proper advice from relevant people in the industry to confirm this.
    • Radiation diagnostics often necessitates using X-Rays to determine the cause and extent of illness and injuries. Radiation Therapy involves the use of radiation from radioactive materials and / or X rays to treat cancers and tumors. To discover how you can use Australian degree in Radiography to work as a registered Radiographer, go here. The next step in career progression is employment in Ultrasound Sonography ( role = Sonographer) and MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging).  Specialized areas like these are available as post grad courses.
  • Radiography is not Radiology. Radiologists are medical professionals with a degree in medicine and further post graduate qualifications that allow them to specialize in Radiology. A Radiologist will  examine X-Ray pictures, analyse and interpret  them and make subsequent recommendations as to the nature of the problem and treatment options.  Radiographers are generally concerned with deciding the type of X Ray machine and takes the best picture from the optimum angle, less with image interpretation.

Typical admission requirements for Radiography, Sonography :

  • Physics, Biology, Maths, English proficiency

New South Wales:  NSW 

  • Courses at Charles Sturt University : CSU
    Bach of Medical Radiation Science ( with specialisations )
    Bach. of Medical Radiation Science ( Nuclear Medicine )
  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science ( Medical Imaging )
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    Postgraduate Diploma of Computerized Tomagraphy
    Postgraduate Diploma of Medical Radiation Science
    Postgraduate Diploma of Radiographic Interpretation
  • Postgraduate Diploma of Medical Ultrasound
    Master of Medical Radiation Science (Computerised Tomography CT)
    Master of Medical Radiation Science (Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI )
    Master of Medical Radiation Science (Radiographic Interpretation)
    Master of Medical Radiation Science – by course work or research
    Master of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine)
    Master of Medical Ultrasound
  • Medical Radiation Science courses at University of Newcastle
  • Medical Radiation science courses at University of Sydney
  • Medical and Radiation Science degree at University of Wollongong : UOW

Queensland : QLD

  • Medical Radiation Sciences at Queensland University of Technology : QUT
  • Bachelor of Medical Sonography and Graduate Diploma of Medical Sonography : CQU
  • Radiotherapy, Medical Imaging and Ultrasound Graduate Certificate / Graduate Diploma at QUT

Tasmania : TAS

  • Bach of Health Science / Bach of Medical Radiation Science – Medical Imaging : UTAS

Victoria : Vic

  • Master of Medical Radiations at Monash University
  • – entry into the Radiation Therapy and Medical Ultrasound ( Sonography) professions
    – distance education options available
  • Radiography and Medical Imaging,  Bachelor degree (honours) at Monash University
  • Bachelor, Master and PhD Medical Radiations at  RMIT

South Australia :  SA

  • Bachelor of Medical Radiation science (Medical Imaging) IBRS : UNISA
  • Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography at UNISA

Other Useful links

More non-X Ray courses, click here

6 thoughts on “X-Ray, Medical Imaging, Radiography, MRI, Sonography, Radiation Science

  1. Interested inn undertaking a degree in medical imaging. What are the requirements. I have a bachelor of education and a diploma in education. I live in WA, Norseman.

  2. Am currently a radiographer and wish to specialized in ultrasonography next year.Please advised me to choose the best university in your country Australia.Am Kenyan citizen hope to pursue my degree in your country

  3. Dear , i would like to have a post grduate degree in medical ultrasound in western Australia and i want to know if possible to apply as am from overseas , but am a gyaecologist with a very good experiance in Obstetric ultrasound and i have Diploma degree in Obstetric and women health from Royal college of physician of Ireland with MRCOG -part 1 .
    Kindly for your advices

  4. I’m a Bsc. holder in Human Anatomy and I want to have a Master’s degree in Sonography in your school online. Please, how do I go about this?

  5. Hello my name is Bronwyn Upton and I am writng on behalf of 2 likely MRI students who unfortunatley will not be able to commence MRI Year 1 as the Auckland Unitec course moves to Auckland University. Please could we have some information on good Universities in Australia where they can complete there PG diploma in MRI – On line studies. Both Krista and Kaylee have already done approximatley 6 months part time in MRI accumulating hours. Your help will be appreciated.
    Bronwyn Upton (Grade MRI MRT Whangarei NZ).

  6. i have passed the certificate level of radiography.now i want to do bsc radiography.what should i do??

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